Self-marketing: have you thought about it?

Since I’ve listened the first time about Self-marketing I’ve been thinking how this concept is being used by some professionals.  It’s very common we listen people saying we should be worried about that. So, I’d like to share with you what I think about it.

In addiction, for my first post we have the participation of a this-subject-thinker: Edner Braga, Psychologist, Human Resources Consultant and Development of Consultants Professor of the Campos Elíseos School’s Business Administration course, in São Paulo, Brazil.

So, my proposal for this debate is very simple: Is Self-marketing a self-image dissemination synonym?

I don’t think so. I really believe the concept of Self-marketing is much deeper than it looks like. Relating Self-marketing with becoming known just as an image is the same thing we take as truthful that Marketing and Advertisement have the same meaning. And, in my point of view, it’s the most common mistake.

As Professor Edner Braga has said, professionals that do not see themselves as human being and feel just as a thing or product to be sold are taking a big risk of amplifying the “package”, not realizing they aren’t a too good product as they think.

I totally agree with Braga: if people are worried with only improving their self-images, some could make a mistake of divulgating something they really are not. If we think in the short-term parameters it could bring some acceptable outcomes, but in long-term I’m not sure about it.

Still thinking about Braga’s affirmation, I see we should take care of transferring Marketing knowledge (under the business view) to our professional life. People have behaviors that can be observed and perceived according to their conversations and actions. People have knowledge and know-how to do things. These competences should be analyzed according to the market opportunities and risks, says Braga.

In summary, what we need to realize is that the Self-marketing idea has to be rethought, adding others dimensions to the concept.

So, I believe that Self-marketing involves:

  • Market knowledge: to understand about the area and the market we want to work.
  • Self-knowledge: to think and analyze what are our strengths and weakness related to the area we want to work.
  • Self-development and employability: what are we doing to improve our weakness and keep our strengths?
  • Place to work: to decide to whom or to what kind of organization we’d like to work.
  • Career planning: to put short and long-terms targets and the ways to become them well-succeed.
  • Publication: to become known our potential by our attitudes, self-image, a good resume, networking, relationship sites, etc.

What do you think? Let me know your opinion about these issues by posting a commentary.

Thinking, learning and changing our attitudes in the corporate world!

Every people that feel into the corporate world will agree with me: we really like to discuss our relation with entrepreneur practices, into the organization we work, into the organization our friends and relatives work, or into organization we read in some magazine article.

According to this idea and considering my propensity to write, I’ve realized I could amplify these debates with people I could not get in touch with. So, today, I’m launching my blog: The corporate daily.

Biweekly, I’ll write about entrepreneur practices we see every day and I also try to get opinions of specialized professionals, according to the issue in discussion. However, I’d really appreciate if my posts didn’t show just my point of view: that’s the reason I should highlight the participation of all of you importance. In this manner, we could improve our background and knowledge.

I really hope you enjoy the debates!